Saturday, 24 March 2012


Teddy’s Post!
I’m a busy girl…sorry I haven’t been posting for a while.I spent pretty much all of my computer looking up old Muppet songs and scenes and … everythings.

How are you guys?I got this amazing new app on my phnoe,PicsArt.Here are two pictures I did of Teddy on it…

I sure hope that Teddy likes the Muppets!It’s the only thing she hears about now…well, almost.But watch this for me…

Sorry about the lack of info on this post,but I gotta go and put Teddy in her ball.


Teddy! :3


  1. Cool :-) I think it shows well how much you love him :-) And we love him too because he's so much alike our poor unforgotten Lilly...

  2. It's a she ;) Thank you so much for your comment! So sorry to here about Lilly. R.I.P :-)


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