Teddy’s post!
Hey guys!Teddy here,babysitting
Nibbles the hamster!Nibbles is on holidays,shes going tomorrow!So today I’m
gonna do a quick post on what to do if you go on holidays,and how to cope with your hamster!
First of all,never
leave it for more than 2 nights.What if it escaped?What if its running low on
food and water?What if it got hurt?
If you also have
other pets,such as dogs,cats,or something that could mistake your hammy for a
midday snack,make sure you keep your hammy upstairs,or even just make sure that
the dog/cat/llama/dinosaur/thing has no access to the room that hammys in.WARNING:Even the kindest of cats and
dogs will try to get at your hamster,especially as it knows that your not
there,so play it safe,and don’t take risks.(BEWARE:Maybe your hamster will go after your other pet!Jk)
If gone for more than 3 nights,make sure you have someone
to babysit your hamster,or even check up on once or twice.Its best if you leave
it with someone you trust,like a friend or a family member.If you have a
petsitter who usually looks after your dog or cat when your away,s/he might be
able to do the job.Always make sure you show the person who is minding your
hamster how to look after it,and possibly,if your going away for a week,how to
clean the cage.
So,I hope this
helps,and If your going on holidays have a good time!
♥ Teddy!