Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Taking ages To Post...

Taking ages to post…
(Teddy’s post!)

So, I seem to be doing most of the posting. Nibbles, where are you?
So…how are you? I’m good J Looking forward to Christmas?  Are you getting your hamster a present? I’m getting Teddy a chew thingy made of hay in the shape of a bell… and toys, too, of course! Leave a comment below, about what you’re getting your hamster!

Description: C:\Users\naoiseaoife\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\AP8MMJBN\MP900427605[1].jpg 

^That’s not my hamster, just a clipart. Would you believe it was called ‘’Gerbil on the top of its wheel, exercising?’’
Stupid Microsoft… Unless its more the less a hamster gerbil.
Oh, well. So I’m thinking of getting a penpal. Anyone know a safe site? Of course, I’ll be talking a lot about Teddy…

That’s enough for now, and I’ll try to blog over the weekend.


  Teddy and Teddy J

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Haven't posted in AGES!

Teddy's Post!


(I think I said that...)

Yes,it's another thing I couldn't keep up.Like my random word dictionary.Like Animal Crossing on the Wii.Like my diary when I was 9?Yeah.(All I wrote was ''Dear Diary,It was my birthday today,and my friend bought me this diary.''Or something like that.Sorry Nibbles!)So,I'll try to keep this up.And I'll write in my dictionary thingy-ma-bob tonight.Maybe.MY SIMS ARE CALLING ME!AND THEY HAVE WOMBATS ON IT.AND THEY LOOK LIKE HAMSTERS.BECAUSE WOMBATS ARE THE SIZE OF SMALL DOGS.I THINK.Here is a picture of a typical wombat.

Maybe it's the size of a normal puppy...

Ok,so technically...Whatever.Just wanted to say hi.Yes,this post is useless.So get Nibbles to post instead.Ok?OK?Yeah....

Cya! :3

Friday, 4 November 2011

Happy Birthday Teddy's owner :-)

Happy Birthday!!!

Hey everyone, its Nibbles here and I just wanted to tell Teddy that I really hope she has a lovely birthday ;-) Since we are best friends I will be over with her tonight and tomorrow so you might see a joint post! Please wish her a very happy birthday in the comments. I know this isn't a hamster related post but...ITS HER BIRTHDAY!

Will be putting u pics of Nibbles soon :-) 


Teddy’s post!

Ok, so it’s Teddy here, and I wanted to show you a few pictures of Teddy! She  is really cute and I love them! Sorry, sorry, but if you love cute hammys ,you will love these!

                                                 I know, I was just born cute, really.


Vote Michael D. for president! 

                                    Wanna go for a spin?

Cute, right? Which one is your favourite?  Please leave a comment below.I love all of them! The Michael D. one was taken when I was giving Teddy some food and thought  it would be funny if I put it on the card and took a pic, so it would look like she was reading it. Michael D. is a guy who was running for president of Ireland, and he won.
So back to the pictures.If you look at the one of Teddy in the car,the oldest one,you will notice she is smaller than she is now.I took that pic only about 2 weeks after I got her!If you look at the Michael D. one,the newest one,taken about a month ago,you will see she is much bigger now!In that pic,Teddy is eating organic porridge oats,just in case you were wondering.Oh,and here is a music video of Teddy for a Parry Gripp song, Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom.

I also made it around 2 months ago?So,I hope you like it,and if you have any hamster videos of your own,please send us the links and/or Youtube links in the comments.If we get a lot of videos,we will hold a competition,if Nibbles is happy to judge as well.Thanks for reading,since it was a pretty long post!Me or Nibbles will post again soon,and please leave comments.Oh,and sometimes the video doesn't load.I don't know how to remove it,but I can delete and re-post this post to get rid of it if it doesn't work,so tell me in comments if it doesn't.Thanks!
Teddy & Teddy J

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Reccomended Cages :-)

Hey everyone! Nibbles here ( Or as you can call me :O ) 

Today I'm going to be talking about some of the cages that '' Teddy '' and I recommend. 
First off I'm going to start off by saying my three recommended brands of cages and accessories are : 

  • Habitrail.
  • Rotastak
  • Crittertrail

So what I have for my hamster Nibbles is the Habitrail Ovo Suite. 

I really like this cage because of the space and entertainment it provides for my hamster. 
As you can see above it has the main room at the bottom which contains a wheel that joins onto the 
stairs leading up to the food bowl. And underneath the food bowl is a hidey hut in which your hamster 
can nest. Also the food station and wheel can be taken out.

Then on your left you see the green small area which can be used for anything really e.g. Toilet ; Food storage ; Sand bathing area etc.. Then on the top you see the blue Travel compartment which you detach from the cage so you can use to take it travelling or used when cleaning the cage.  Also on the left you see the blue water bottle. Its a vacuum seal bottle and to vacuum seal it you must shake three times and wait till it stops dripping or it won't stop. 


Rotastak and Habitrail are more the of the same thing. Cages and accessories for hamsters.
Teddy has the Rotastak Tunnel of Fun cage.

As you can see there are three levels to this cage. The main area at the bottom is the biggest space for toys and the small bottle of water. This is also where you get to each floor. Coming out of the bottom cage is the biggest tunnel with a yellow ball for sitting or resting in. This is a wonderful feature to the cage as its act almost like a window so your pet can see. This brings us to the second largest area in this cage. This space has bit of barring over the plastic dome. I think this would be a good area for treats and the food bowl. Then there is the sleeping hut. You can add this just above the bottom floor as shown or make a third floor by adding it over the second floor. Just like every other hiding space its perfect for nesting in. Fill this with bedding and its the perfect place for your hamster to relax.

CritterTrail - 

Crittertrail is also just like Habitrail and Rotastak. My younger brother also owns a Syrain hamster and he has the CritterTrail Z.

You can see in the picture above that this cage is fun and spaceful. It also consists of three compartments. 
The main bottom floor is spacious and has the corner for the small food bowl , a corner with a small window which you can not see in the photo and a corner in which the water bottle hangs from. Here on this floor I would put the toys and treats owned my your furry little friend. There are two tubes leading to other areas in the cage. The first tunnel I will talk about is the tunnel on the right hand side. This leads up to the green hamster ball that your  hamster can run about in. What I really like about this is that you can detach the hamster ball , secure it with the escape proof door and let your hamster run about on the floor. Now the tunnel on the left leads you to the sleeping area. As I said with the Rotastak cage fill it with bedding and its a cosy place for your hamster to nest. What I like about this is that it opens easily and shuts easily. If you do buy this cage please note not to fill the sleeping area up with too much bedding as the door can open if too full. 

What I love about all of these cages and brands is that all the products are colourful and fun and something you would like to add too and have fun with :-) Highly recommended :D

♥Nibbles xxx

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

The First Post!

Teddy's post!

Ok,you can call me  Teddy,(in honour of my hamster)and welcome to our FIRST  post!Well,I hope you all had a great Hallowe'en,and I'm pretty sure it's time to be stocking up for the winter.So fill your CHEEK POUCHES with this handy winter info for your hammy!

  • If you live in a place where it snows or freezes during the winter,it would be probably be best to stock up on bedding,sleeping fluff and food for your hamster.This prevents starvation if you run out of food and don't have access to anywhere close.
  • Before the weather is bad,buy a few bottles of bottled water.This isn't just for you,but if the pipes freeze,it will mean your pet won't have anything to drink.So if you use bottled water,your hammy won't be left thirsty,and you can leave the water without changing it for around 2-3 days.
  • Keep hammy-boo in a warm place.Hamsters can fall in a deep,coma-like sleep if their body temperature falls below around 5.C (41.F) which is like hibernation.To prevent this,keep his cage in a warm place,and wrap blankets around the cage.If the hamster goes into ''hibernation'',put his cage in a warm,dark place and leave it their for a few hours.Just before you turn the heating on at full blast,they can get heat stroke(I know,it's ridiculous since it's winter)in surroundings above 20.C(68.F).

    Ok,theres a few facts,if you need help,just comment!


    (Sources:Hamster Family Pet Guide,by David Alderton.)